Annual Fall Training 2019
Friday Oct 25 6-9pm and Sat 26 9am-3pm
Sign-Up Here.
Location: First Baptist Pelham
Call (205) 776-1247 for more info or Email us.
Event Registration.
Volunteer Application:
After completion, someone will be contacting you.
Make a $20.00 donation online to offset the cost of the meal and materials:
Makes checks payable and mail to:
Sav-A-Life Shelby, PO Box 1359, Pelham, AL 35124

You will:
-learn our history.
-be inspired.
-learn how to talk about your faith
-overcome fear
-know why prayer is necessary
-ask permission
-be a witness to the life
-actively listen
-recognize divine appointments
-meet new people
-eat delicious food
-laugh, cry and have fun