Meet Jenny Doss!

Jenny Doss who in 1984 heart was burdened by God to reach women dealing with crisis pregnancies by starting a center in Shelby County, Alabama. Since the opening of its doors in 1985, thousands of lives have been saved. In the words of TIME Magazine, pregnancy centers are the “kind, calm, nonjudgmental” face of the pro-life movement. Jenny started the Center after her twelve-day journey with her husband and infant son, Joshua, whose life was in peril. The Lord spoke to Jenny during those days, and it changed her forever. Through her own crisis God led her to reach out and help others. The Sav-A-Life Ministry meant everything to her in the coming days. This new found knowledge through her own crisis allowed her to pursue a new phase in her life to help those in crisis in the community. Jenny attended the University of Montevallo, Montevallo, Alabama majoring in Art/Art History. She and her husband have five children. She helped open the Kingwood Counseling Center teaching counseling and was family counselor. She has taught in private and fine arts schools.
Jenny will always be an advocate for unborn babies. She has spoken to extensively to faith-based organizations as well as civic groups regarding her life’s journey from Joshua’s tragic story to her story throughout its’ entirety. It has been well over two decades since her story began and it is still touching lives and saving souls. This is the Jenny Doss Legacy.
Her book More Precious Than Gold, can be purchased on Amazon.